Silent Ice Arena Acoustics

General Contractor: Eagle Builders | Architect: Vosh Architecture + Design | Owner: Silent Ice Sports & Entertainment

The Silent Ice Arena in Nisku, Alberta, represents a blend of innovative design and advanced acoustic engineering. This case study outlines the specific acoustic treatments applied to enhance both the functionality and aesthetics of the arena.

The Challenge:

With two rinks, a lobby area, a boardroom, and change rooms, the Silent Ice Arena presented a unique set of challenges. The primary objective was to ensure that the acoustics within each space were optimal, reducing reverberation and enhancing the overall auditory experience for visitors and players alike.

The Solution:

  1. Rinks A & B:

    • Installation of black 4'x4' Echotrol Standard Baffles. These baffles were strategically placed to absorb sound and reduce echo, ensuring clear communication during games and events.

    • Additional wall treatment (Echotrol Wall Panels) in Rink A further enhanced the acoustic quality of the space.

  2. Lobby Area:

    • Feltkutur Andromeda acoustic clouds in blue-grey and white were added. These clouds, reminiscent of snowflakes, not only served an acoustic purpose but also added a touch of aesthetic beauty to the lobby.

  3. Board Room:

    • White Echotrol Clouds designed to resemble shattered ice were installed. These clouds not only improved the room's acoustics but also added a thematic touch, aligning with the ice arena's ambiance.

  4. Change Rooms:

    • To address the reverberation challenges in the change rooms, black Echofelt+ wall panels were added. These panels provided a cost-effective upgrade, ensuring that the change rooms were acoustically sound.

Collaboration and Cost Management:

Western Noise Control's team worked hand-in-hand with Eagle Builders. This close collaboration ensured that the project remained on budget without compromising on the quality of the acoustic solutions. The result was an acoustically well-treated venue that was not only functional but also visually stunning.

The integration of advanced acoustic solutions at the Silent Ice Arena showcases the importance of sound quality in modern architectural spaces. Through a collaborative effort between Silent Ice, Vosh Architecture, Eagle Builders, and Western Noise Control, the arena has been transformed into a venue where sound clarity meets architectural excellence.


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